




You will find below the instructions for submitting the final version (including source files) of your contribution to the proceedings.  The procedure is essential the same as that used previously for the abstract and manuscript submissions.  We ask, however, that before doing making your final submission you make a last careful proof check of the text of your manuscript.

Importantly, please also check that you did NOT change the format (margins, font size etc) of the template files.  If you have, please correct this.  If your paper then exceeds the page limits you were assigned please contact us.  If you do not rectify any formatting issues your paper risks being held up by Springer at the production stage.

You must submit all the files as requested using the naming scheme indicated belowSpringer will use the source files to produce the proceedings.  A pdf file only of your contribution is not acceptable.  The Consent to Publish form must be included for every submission.



1)      Download the “Consent to publish” form from the following link: 


2)      Fill in page 1 of the Consent to Publish form (you may do this in Word).  There is no need to include the names of all the authors, unless you wish them to have access to the article.  The corresponding author is, of course, you.  Do not forget to sign the last page.  Scan all the pages of the form and save as a file (preferable pdf).

3)      Create a single compressed/zipped file -- authorname.zip or authorname.tar -- comprising all the necessary source files and the compiled pdf file of the contribution (this permits us and Springer to easily check for any issues):  

         (a)  the authorname.tex (or .docx) text file.  Also include the corresponding .bib or other similar file(s) if required.

         (b)  all the authorname-figx.eps files for the figures (if any).  Do NOT submit pdf figure files.

         (c)  the authorname.pdf version of the compiled paper

         (d)  the scanned copy of the signed Consent to Publish form – authorname-consent.pdf

Please check that you have made no mistakes - in particular that the correct eps file names are used in the .tex file for the figures - and recompile your paper to produce the “authorname.pdf” file.

If you are responsible for more than one paper/submission with the same authorname, please add to the file name "talk" or "poster" - eg. authorname-poster.tex, authorname-poster.zip etc.

4)      Log onto the FB22 scienceconf.org platform. 

5)      Via the “MY-SPACE” (lefthand menu of page) use the “Submission” option to upload your contribution files.

IMPORTANT:   you must chose “Written Contribution – Final Submission” as the document type.

Also, be sure to select the Topic as per the session type you spoke in at FB22 (the programme is still available on the FB22 website).  Plenary and Invited parallel session speakers please chose that topic.

6)      Upload as the “Paper file” the authorname.pdf file.

7)      Upload the authorname.zip file (containing all the files – see above) under “Supplementary data – Upload file”.    (Note that the “Type of the File” menu is not important).

DO NOT upload individually each of the files.

8)      As previously you will receive an automatic confirmation of your submission from the FB22 platform.

9)       If you encounter difficulties you may contact us at the FB22 functional address.  Do NOT, however, try to send an e-mail with your files attached. Note that, in particular, messages with .zip and similar attachments are blocked by antispam/virus software as are messages with large files attached.


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The Proceedings will be published as a volume in the Springer Proceedings in Physics series. 





Submission of your written contribution must take place via web upload as described in the following.

You will need to use your scienceconf account that you created or used for the abstract submission.  If you have forgotten your password, click on "Forgotten password" when you try to login to the FB22 website (top right of the home page).  If you need to create another account, please go to:


Note:  you will have received an e-mail with this information when you created your account. 

To submit and manage your written contribution submission, you should return to the homepage of the FB22 website and login (top right of page) using your scienceconf username and password.  You will then see that the "MY SPACE - Submissions" option is now available (left hand menu bar).

You now only need to follow a few straightforward steps, as per the abstract submission, to provide the necessary details and upload your manuscript (PDF file only).  You will receive an e-mail confirming that your manuscript has been submitted.  If you wish to change your submission, you may re-enter the system via “My Space - submissions” and replace the PDF file, change the category etc up to the submission deadline.

Please note the following:

  • You must use the Springer Conference Proceedings Latex or Word template files provided below to prepare your manuscript.
  • Only indicate during the submission process the name of the corresponding author (you) the submitter.
  • You will need to enter the title and the abstract of your contribution into the system – for the latter please cut and paste the text of the abstract from the PDF file of your manuscript.  This information is needed to allow us to allocate your paper for reviewing.  The published paper will be the PDF file.
  • Only PDF files should be uploaded.
  • Do NOT upload “supplementary material” 
  • Please take care to submit your manuscript under the same category as for you talk or poster presentation (if in doubt check the conference programme page).  As such you should ONLY SELECT ONE CATEGORY
  • When asked to choose the “type of document”, select “Written Contribution”.  Do NOT select “oral” or “poster”.



You must prepare your manuscript using the LaTeX or Word templates and packages downloadable at:


Please convert your manuscript into a PDF file for the upload.



The Page limits for the different contributions are as follows:

  • Plenary talks:  8 pages
  • Invited Parallel Session talks (20+5mins):  6 pages
  • Contributed talks (15+5 mins):  4 pages
  • Poster Presentations :  3 pages



All written contributions must be submitted no later than 15 November

All contributions will be reviewed.



  • Few-body aspects of atomic and molecular physics.
  • Hadron physics and related high-energy physics.
  • Strange and exotic matter, including hypernuclear physics.
  • Few-nucleon systems including QCD inspired approaches.
  • Few-body aspects of nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics.
  • Interdisciplinary aspects of few-body physics and techniques.
  • Plenary and parallel session invited speakers (ONLY)
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